Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hello There!

I've always thought of myself as a strong guy who never gives into any kind of temptation no matter what. Apparently I have just called myself a hypocrite because I once told myself that I would never create a blog, but here I am. I also said I'd never read Twilight... guess I was wrong about that one too.
I've just started this thing so give me a break for a few weeks while I get used to this online secret revealer. That is one of the biggest reasons why I never wanted to create a blog in the first place; somehow the idea of all of my closest friends and family knowing all of my thoughts and feelings is strangely attractive. I plan on putting a whole bunch of my articles and essays that I write on here so everyone can check them out. I hope you enjoy my stuff and if you want to leave a rude comment, just think back to Thumper's rule: "If you can't say anything nice, why the heck are you talking?!" Have a nice day!

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